Welcome to Muriel Collins Housing Co-operative

About Us

Muriel Collins Housing Co-operative (MCC) is a two-building complex located right downtown. One building is located at 79 Richmond Street East and the other at 76 Lombard Street. There is a courtyard that connects the two buildings.

Just a couple of blocks away is the Cathedral Church of St. James together with its park and English Garden. A five-minute walk takes you to St. Lawrence Market open Tuesday through Sunday but closed on Mondays. It is especially busy on a Saturday. The St. Lawrence Market is located in the heart of the historic Old Town Toronto neighbourhood at Jarvis and Front Streets.

The South Market houses more than 50 gourmet food vendors and over a dozen lunch counters. Upstairs, the Market Gallery shows archival art and photographs from the City’s collection and the North Market is currently under reconstruction and should be open in the not-too-distant future.

What is a Co-op?

Our Principles

Principles of the Muriel Collins Housing Co-operative consist of both Basic Principles and overall Guiding Principles.

  1. A continuing Co-operative in which members do not own individual units but share collectively in the ownership of all.
  2. Democratic control by members on the basis of one member, one vote.
  3. When a member leaves the Co-op, s/he does so without financial loss or gain.
  1. To co-operatively provide and maintain good housing and community services for members at cost.
  2. To involve members in planning, development and management of all aspects of the co-operative.
  3. To make optimum use of available land while at the same time preserving the natural aspects of the environment.
  4. To provide individuals and members with freedom and privacy while maintaining standards and regulations agreed upon by the members themselves.
  5. To rent housing to members on a non-profit basis.
  6. To provide member residents with security of tenure comparable to private ownership.
  7. To create a community in which people can live comfortably regardless of income, age or ethnic background.
  8. To take into consideration the needs of the physically disabled.
  9. To maintain a secure and responsible financial position.
  10. To support the co-operative philosophy and maintain communication with other co-operative organizations.
Basic Principles
  1. A continuing Co-operative in which members do not own individual units but share collectively in the ownership of all.
  2. Democratic control by members on the basis of one member, one vote.
  3. When a member leaves the Co-op, s/he does so without financial loss or gain.
Guiding Principles
  1. To co-operatively provide and maintain good housing and community services for members at cost.
  2. To involve members in planning, development and management of all aspects of the co-operative.
  3. To make optimum use of available land while at the same time preserving the natural aspects of the environment.
  4. To provide individuals and members with freedom and privacy while maintaining standards and regulations agreed upon by the members themselves.
  5. To rent housing to members on a non-profit basis.
  6. To provide member residents with security of tenure comparable to private ownership.
  7. To create a community in which people can live comfortably regardless of income, age or ethnic background.
  8. To take into consideration the needs of the physically disabled.
  9. To maintain a secure and responsible financial position.
  10. To support the co-operative philosophy and maintain communication with other co-operative organizations.

Co-operative Principles

Our Age


Number of Units


Number of Members


Learn More About Muriel Collins Housing Co-operative

About Co-ops

A housing Cooperative is a group of people who form a corporation to provide housing services for themselves.

Application Process

Are you eligible to become a member of our co-op community? Learn about the qualifications for membership.

Floor Plans & Rates

View and download our co-op’s various unit floor plans and review our monthly charges and other fees.

Our History

How did Muriel Collins Co-operative come to be? We have an interesting story and you can read about here.